Chiropractic care is a patient-centred, non-invasive, regulated health care profession that focuses on the spine, the various muscles and joints within the body, as well as the nervous system. Chiropractic care can promote health, alleviate pain caused by numerous musculoskeletal conditions, and improve quality of life. Chiropractors apply the best available evidence combined with their expertise to accurately assess and diagnose issues that affect your body’s movement.
Chiropractors use hands-on techniques such as manual soft tissue mobilization, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, therapeutic exercise prescription, acupuncture, electronic modalities, self-management strategies and patient education, among others. One of the most frequent treatments chiropractors use is manual manipulation of the vertebrae within the spine or other joints throughout the body, known as an ‘adjustment.’ To perform an adjustment, chiropractors use their hands to apply a controlled high-velocity, low-force thrust to the targeted joint. This action restores the joint’s natural movement and improves its overall function.

When applied to your spine specifically, this treatment is called spinal manipulation therapy (SMT). Manipulations can also be used on other joints, such as those in your wrist, ankle or foot, as an effective means of treatment.

Chiropractic care is not limited to the treatment of pain, and can be beneficial for many different populations varying from aging adults, expecting mothers, children, and athletes, who all visit chiropractors in order to reduce their risk of injury, and improve their mobility or overall function. Some of the conditions chiropractors commonly treat include back pain, neck pain, sprains, strains, pain associated with arthritis, and any work or sports related injuries, among others. Chiropractors may also order X-rays, or refer you to your family doctor or a nurse practitioner for other diagnostic tests, such as lab work or other methods of advanced imaging.

At your initial consultation or first visit, the goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your medical history and current state of health, in addition to any other issues you maybe experiencing within your spine, joints, muscles, or nervous system. Chiropractors are able to perform physical tests such as assessing your heart rate and pulse, blood pressure, orthopedic tests, reflex, strength, and sensation tests, as well as a posture and movement analysis. We will then be able to diagnose and determine the issues affecting your body’s movement. If we suspect you have a condition that is more appropriate for another health care professional to treat, we will make the appropriate referral for you to ensure you are properly taken care of.

Click here for our Chiropractor’s biography:  Dr. Dan Walker


Initial consultation (60 minutes) . . . . . $130.00
Follow up treatment (30 minutes) . . . . . $85.00
Re-assessment (60 minutes) . . . . . $130.00